Hempbassadors and Christmas Chestnuts

Hempbassadors and Christmas Chestnuts

I speak with hempbassador Marie Eisenmann about the fibre of the future

In this episode I get the lowdown on one of the most misunderstood and maligned crops in North America, hemp. It’s a delicious breakfast topping, it’s a construction material, it’s great for clothing and plastics! Stop, you’re all right. I speak with hempbassador Marie Eisenmann about the fibre of the future. Next up, food writer and chef Signe Langford tells us all about delicious and dangerous chestnuts and how to weaponize them.

Marie Eisenmann is a hempbassador. She and her colleagues evangelize a sorely mistreated and marginalized crop, hemp. While hemp has, for centuries, been a valued crop in Asia and elsewhere on the planet, its relation to marijuana has led to North Americans having a complicated relationship with the fast growing, low maintenance, and non-psychotropic plant. That’s too bad, because, as Marie explains, the prohibitions placed on its cultivation have meant North Americans have lost decades we could have used developing ecologically friendly industries that make use of the versatile hemp seeds, flowers and fibres. That’s starting to change, due, in no small part, to Marie herself.

You can learn more about Marie’s work here:

If you associate roasted chestnuts with Christmas, blame Mel Torme and Charles Dickens. The meaty, hearty nuts have become a staple of Christmas song and story, if not kitchens. Signe Langford wants to change that, even though she had an explosive introduction to the hard little balls of nutty goodness.

You can find out more delicious info from Signe here:

By the way, the music in the podcast? It’s by good ol’ Canadian singer, composer and friend of the ‘cast, David Archibald.

— About The Music —

“White River”
David Archibald

— About Harrowsmith Magazine —

More than 40 years ago, in 1976, James Lawrence pasted together the first edition of Harrowsmith magazine on his kitchen table in rural Ontario. Totally unique, it was the first Canadian magazine to focus on organic living, alternative energy sources, and a country lifestyle. Lawrence’s ode to back-to- the-land virtues quickly attracted legions of fans and soon became Canada’s bible for rural living.

Over the years, Harrowsmith has had a few incarnations (including Harrowsmith Country Life and Gardening Digest). After a brief hiatus, it returned bigger and better than ever, published by Moongate Publishing Inc. Through it all, our loyal fans have been there with us.

The new Harrowsmith takes the same aesthetic that inspired Lawrence—the thirst for knowledge and inspiration about all things rural, organic and green—and brings it into the twenty-first century with videos, podcasts, digital editions and beautiful full-sized print magazines.

Today’s Harrowsmith is still eagerly consumed around farmhouse tables—as well as dockside on Muskoka chairs, on condo balconies, and at downtown coffee shops.

We are proud to continue the spirit of the original publication and its vision of providing a purely Canadian take on country living, the environment, and the sharing of useful information for country dwellers—as well as city folk and anyone seeking to tread a little more lightly upon the earth.

— More Harrowsmith —


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Music in this video
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White River
David Archibald
Pukaskwa: Songs of Superior
Licensed to YouTube by
CD Baby (on behalf of Rhm); CD Baby Sync Publishing

Wayne MacPhail

Wayne is a digital strategist with extensive experience in traditional, online and communication strategy development. He has assisted clients like Random House (where he helped establish digital outreach programs), the Association of Science and Technology Centers, McMaster Family Medicine, rabble.ca, University of Toronto, Engineering reimagine their communications strategies for an emerging media landscape and new audiences. Wayne brings three decades of rich media content creation, a background in journalism and the ability to creatively understand brand and messaging and create new platforms and opportunities for Moongate’s clients. He has taught and developed online content creation and communications for a variety of colleges and universities in Ontario.

Posted on Thursday, November 14th, 2024
Filed under Podcast

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