Editor’s Letter – Summer 2021

This issue, we go East.

Welcome Summer!

This issue, we go East. And what better timing than in the Summer, when the gardens are in full bloom and the land is serving up its plentiful bounty.

Harrowsmith Food Editor Signe Langford is back again with another medley of delicious recipes to try out. From saltfish cakes to blueberry grunt, she brings the taste of East Coast classics to your table at home.

Speaking of classics, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s stories about Anne of Green Gables are still beloved by readers around the world. Inspired by the landscapes of Prince Edward Island, the book continues also to fascinate Canadian gardeners, as Mark and Ben Cullen share in this issue. 

We also travel to the East Coast this issue for a four-province road trip, with stops all over New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador. From PEI’s lighthouses to Newfoundland’s spectacular Gros Morne Park, walking the ocean floor in Noel, Nova Scotia, to checking out the world’s largest covered bridge in Hartland, New Brunswick, there are plenty of staycation ideas to explore. 

Lisa MacIsaac of the JUNO-nominated singer-songwriting duo Madison Violet (and sister of famous fiddler Ashley) also takes us on a tour of the East Coast, this time to her hometown in Creignish, Cape Breton.

And even if a longer trip to the East Coast isn’t in your sight lines right now, you can still find new gems to check out closer to home. As Alan Findlay and Alicia Farrow share this issue, it can look like an escape to the country from the city, or as Robert Dick explores, it can be as simple as looking up at the night sky.

So grab a cool drink, find a shady spot or elbow your loved one off the hammock for some well deserved me time, and take a trip with Harrowsmith. No screen required.

Catalina Margulis

An editor with 15-plus years in the publishing business, Catalina Margulis’ byline spans travel, food, decor, parenting, fashion, beauty, health and business. When she’s not chasing after her three young children, she can be found painting her home, taming her garden and baking muffins.

Posted on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021
Filed under Events

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