Small Ponds featuring Colleen Jones

Small Ponds featuring Colleen Jones

Your name? Colleen Jones. Home (or adopted) town? Halifax, Nova Scotia. Population? We are the ultimate little big town: around 400,000. Years in residence? All of my 56 years. Where do you live now? A block from where I’ve always lived: West End, Halifax. Local schools attended? St. Agnes Junior High School and St. Pat’s High School. Class of 19—? Class of ’76! Local jobs you held? With a family of eight girls, we were babysitting queens. Your pastimes there? Curling and biking. Favourite hangouts? Waegwoltic Club in summer—it’s a Canadian jewel. Mayflower Curling Club in winter. Best French fries? Armview Restaurant, one of the oldest restaurants in the city. Fries and a milkshake. Favourite nature walk? So many nature walks it’s crazy, but I love the Frog Pond. Best date spot? The old movie theatre on Barrington Street, now a MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op). Favourite sports team? My curling teams! Best place to get in trouble? Argyle Street Liquor Dome. Favourite rink? The rink I used to make for my kids in the backyard! Tried to curl on it, but the rocks melted into the ice. Nicest road for a hike/bike/drive? We bike what we call the Herring Cove Grind (awesome hills and views), and stop at Pavia for a latte or Italian beer at the […]

Your name? Colleen Jones.

Home (or adopted) town? Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Population? We are the ultimate little big town: around 400,000.

Years in residence? All of my 56 years.

Where do you live now? A block from where I’ve always lived: West End, Halifax.

Local schools attended? St. Agnes Junior High School and St. Pat’s High School.

Class of 19—? Class of ’76!

Local jobs you held? With a family of eight girls, we were babysitting queens.

Your pastimes there? Curling and biking.

Favourite hangouts? Waegwoltic Club in summer—it’s a Canadian jewel. Mayflower Curling Club in winter.

Best French fries? Armview Restaurant, one of the oldest restaurants in the city. Fries and a milkshake.

Favourite nature walk? So many nature walks it’s crazy, but I love the Frog Pond.

Best date spot? The old movie theatre on Barrington Street, now a MEC (Mountain Equipment Co-op).

Favourite sports team? My curling teams!

Best place to get in trouble? Argyle Street Liquor Dome.

Favourite rink? The rink I used to make for my kids in the backyard! Tried to curl on it, but the rocks melted into the ice.

Nicest road for a hike/bike/drive? We bike what we call the Herring Cove Grind (awesome hills and views), and stop at Pavia for a latte or Italian beer at the halfway point. Sometimes splurge on their homemade ice cream.

Your town’s claim to fame (before you)? The history of the place is its claim to fame, and past tragedies like the Halifax Explosion or the Titanic connection.  The history is everywhere.

Unofficial/suggested town slogan? “We Move Slower Here and Like It.”

What part of this place do you wish you could bring with you on the road? That whole East Coast vibe.

Last time you were home? I never stray too far. Here now, live it, breathe it.

Your local mentor, if any? I surround myself with mentors—too many to count. Certainly, family has mentored me, from my parents, siblings, now husband and kids. Why, my dog, Bubby, is a mentor. I’m not kidding!

How has this place contributed to your career? Halifax has nurtured both my broadcasting and my curling career. So much support—love it.

Why do/did you like living there? Or what do you like about this small town compared to other places you have lived? I like that it’s big enough but small enough. You can do stuff or you can do nothing. I love the crafty artisan vibe. I love the outdoor stuff—kayaking, anyone? Awesome biking.

Last words? It’s an awesome city and province—not for everyone right away, but who doesn’t like that yoga pants and Hunter boots are considered a dressy outfit?

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Posted on Friday, April 24th, 2020

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