15 Vegetables To Regrow From Scraps

What veggies to sprout and how to get started

Many vegetables and herbs from your garden, the market or your local grocery store will regrow easily in water or in soil. You can regrow fresh greens like herbs on a window sill indoors, or regrow your vegetable scraps to use fresh in sandwiches and salads. You can also get a jump start on your herb and vegetable garden by regrowing kitchen scraps.

Here are simple how-to instructions for regrowing vegetable scraps to use in sandwiches and salads from urban homesteader and Simple Bites Kitchen author, Aimée Wimbush-Bourque

1. Gather your vegetable scraps like green onion, celery, fennel, romaine lettuce, garlic and bok choy.

2. Place them in a tray or collection of small kitchen bowls – any vessel that will hold a bit of water and isn’t tippy.

3. Add 1 inch of cool tap water around the vegetables, taking care not to submerge them. Taller vegetables like green onions can go into a mason jar.

4. Set them in a bright spot and change the water daily. Regrowth will start after about 4-5 days.

Read a few more things that Aimée has learned along the way in this post on her website.

Here are 15 common vegetables you can regrow from scraps: 

  • Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, and Beets
  • Onions, Leeks, Shallots, and Garlic
  • Lettuce
  • Fennel (bulb) and Celery (bulb)
  • Cabbage
  • Bok Choy
  • Potato and Sweet Potato

And these herbs will sprout roots when you leave them in a small glass of water on your window sill:

  • Parsley
  • Basil
  • Mint
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary
The Harrowsmith Team

Harrowsmith is the farm-to-condo go-to for living sustainably and simply. Our mission is to offer a down-to-earth Canadian perspective on topics of gardening, home and design, travel and culture, food, health, wellness and the environment.

Posted on Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

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