Make Your Own Biodegradable Pots

Get your seeds started now by creating these zero-waste, biodegradable pots

Start preparing your summer garden now by sowing veggie and herb seeds indoors. Starting your own seeds and cuttings and tending to them throughout the summer until they bear fruit and flowers is rewarding and delicious!

When it comes time for planting seeds in spring, using biodegradable pots is an easy way to reduce, reuse, and recycle responsibly. These toilet paper roll planter pots are easy-to-make from something that would be heading into the recycling bin at home. Save waste and facilitate new life. Because the plant pot is biodegradable, it can be planted straight into the ground along with the new plant. This means that the plant’s roots won’t be disturbed or shocked when it comes time to add them to the garden. Get your seeds started now by creating these biodegradable pots made from your discarded toilet paper rolls.

Here are instructions on how to make your own biodegradable pots.

  1. Cut a toilet paper roll, paper towel roll or gift wrapping paper roll into 2-inch sections.

2. Make four equally spaced ½-inch cuts on one end.

3. Fold all of your flaps inwards to form the bottom of the pot.

Where to Find Native Seeds & Plants.

4. Place on a tray, fill with a light potting mix and then add your seeds as directed on the package. For best results, follow these 7 tips for starting seeds.

Once the plants have grown to two to three times the size of the pot, they are ready to be transplanted into a larger pot. Before you plant them outside, taking the time to harden them off by introducing them to the outdoor elements — sunlight, wind and temperature variations — will ensure success.
And, best part, no need to remove the “pot” as it will break up in the soil. When it’s time for planting, simply dunk the biodegradable pot and root ball into a pail of water overnight before planting to ensure it’s wet all the way through.

Jennifer Reynolds

Jennifer Reynolds, our previous Editor-in-Chief, is a long-time authority in gardening, do-it-yourself projects, urban sustainability, parenting, placemaking and community matters. Her features and columns have been published in Canadian Living, Canadian Family, Gardening Life, House & Home, Globe & Mail, National Post, Toronto Star & more. Plus, her designs and expertise have been featured on dozens of HGTV, W Network and CTV shows.

Posted on Saturday, February 8th, 2025

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