Spicy Kettle Corn

How to make old fashioned kettle corn at home

If movie night is a regular fixture in your home, this spicy kettle corn will become a mainstay, too. With the delicious kick of chili powder and sugar in one bowl, everyone’s palate will be satisfied, even if the movie is a flop.

Serves 2


1/2 cup popping kernels, preferably organic
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 to 1/4 tsp smoked chili powder, or whatever chili powder you like
1/4 vegetable oil

In a small bowl, stir together kernels, sugar, salt and chili powder once or twice; set aside.

Before you start popping the corn, place a baking sheet beside your stove. This is where you will spread out the hot kernels.

In a pot just large enough to hold 8 cups of popped corn (see tip), add oil and a few kernels and place over medium-high heat. When you see the kernels beginning to pop, your oil is ready. Turn the heat down to medium-low and add in the reserved seasoned kernel mixture.

Stir until the sugar has absorbed all the oil. Leave the cover off until you see the sugar beginning to melt and bubble very slightly. If the heat is too high, the sugar will burn, so keep an eye on the sugar to ensure it does not brown too quickly before kernels begin to pop. Cover with the lid and shake the pan over the heat as the kernels pop. Continue until you hear them beginning to slow down. Quickly remove the pan from the heat and turn out onto the baking sheet. Once cooled, break popcorn apart slightly and enjoy!

TIP Use a taller pot to allow the kernels to move upwards as they pop, which will yield a better result than a wider pot would (wide pots allow for a lot of area for sugar to burn).

Joanna Notkin

Joanna Notkin is a designer at heart, and food is her passion. With an eye for detail and a love of all things seasonal and local, Joanna approaches food in a way that is delicate and thoughtful. She brings together the flavours of each ingredient while honouring the fact that we truly eat with our eyes.


Posted on Thursday, November 10th, 2022

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