Why do we carve pumpkins? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:
Their origin comes from an Irish myth about Stingy Jack, who tricked the Devil for his own monetary gain. When Jack died, God didn’t allow him into heaven, and the Devil didn’t let him into hell, so Jack was sentenced to roam the earth for eternity. In Ireland, people started to carve demonic faces out of turnips to frighten away Jack’s wandering soul. When Irish immigrants moved to the US and Canada they began carving jack-o’-lanterns from pumpkins, as these were native to the region.
The best way to roast pumpkin seeds:
- Rinse seeds, spread them out on a pan and let them dry for 24 hours.
- Toss in 2tbs of melted butter and sprinkle with salt and garlic powder.
- Roast in 375°F oven for 35 minutes until crunchy.

What to do with your pumpkin after Halloween:
- Donate it to a farm to help feed the pigs and other animals.
- Many municipalities host a pumpkin walk/parade where you can bring your jack-o’-lanterns to show them off one last time and then toss them in a bin that will make its way into the city’s compost program.
Have a happy Halloween.