Winterizing and Big Bags of Bird Seed

Winterizing and Big Bags of Bird Seed

How to keep your house warm in the winter.

The Rundown

This episode features a return visit from Harrowsmith’s resident handyman from Manitoulin Island, Steve Maxwell. This time out Steve offers some good, and timely advice about how to keep your house warm in the winter.

You can learn more about Steve and his tips at

Next up, another timely topic, bird seed. I visit with Barry Bogel, who runs a bulk seed business on equipment his grandfather would recognize. Ten pounds bags of seeds? That’s for punters. 

Barry Bogel’s grandfather bought a farm in Flamborough, Ontario in 1874. Back then he raised bees. These days Barry grows plants for seed. Bird seed, mostly. He runs the operation out of a barn filled with ancient but admirable equipment some of which his grandfather would recognize. Join me on a soundscape tour of Bogel Seeds, where a fifty pound bag of sunflower seeds is small potatoes and the grain silos and feeder tubes loom like benign giants.

End Notes
Want more Harrowsmith? No problem. Visit our website. And, you can read Vanessa’s story on ticks in the Spring issue of Harrowsmith Magazine. It’s on selected newsstands across Canada or you can order subscriptions online at

By the way, the music in the podcast? It’s by good ol’ Canadian singer, composer and friend of the ‘cast,  David Archibald. You can find more of his music at his website,

Wayne MacPhail

Wayne is a digital strategist with extensive experience in traditional, online and communication strategy development. He has assisted clients like Random House (where he helped establish digital outreach programs), the Association of Science and Technology Centers, McMaster Family Medicine,, University of Toronto, Engineering reimagine their communications strategies for an emerging media landscape and new audiences. Wayne brings three decades of rich media content creation, a background in journalism and the ability to creatively understand brand and messaging and create new platforms and opportunities for Moongate’s clients. He has taught and developed online content creation and communications for a variety of colleges and universities in Ontario.

Posted on Sunday, December 29th, 2024
Filed under Podcast

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