Harrowsmith Gen XYZ – Emma’s Edible Yard – A Perfect Purple Sandwich Tomato

another purple tomato recommendation

I’m following up my last blog about ‘Cherokee Purple’ with another purple tomato recommendation:  ‘Indian Stripe.’ This tomato variety will be in my garden for years to come.

‘Indian Stripe’ is beautiful and delicious! The shape of this medium-sized tomato is a bit flattened.

The colour is a bit lighter than ‘Cherokee Purple.’ What really stands out is the attractive dark-green shoulders. While it is a bit smaller and later to fruit than ‘Cherokee Purple’—it’s super productive!  

In the Kitchen

With its absolutely delicious, complex, and rich flavour, I think ‘Indian Stripe’ is a great sandwich tomato. The texture is quite meaty, so in addition to slicing for sandwiches, it’s great in a salad or for making into sauce.

Indian Stripe tomato
‘Indian Stripe’ has attractive dark-green shoulders.

Grow Your Own

‘Indian Stripe’ is indeterminate, so I recommend training it. It is ready to pick mid-season.

I got the seeds last winter at a seed swap. They were one of the treasures I picked up at the swap table when I dropped off seeds I was swapping.

Find ‘Indian Stripe’ seeds at Victory Seeds [https://www.victoryseeds.com/] and Tomatofest [https://www.tomatofest.com/].

Emma Biggs

Emma Biggs is a gardener and garden communicator who has raised over 130 tomato varieties. Her Toronto garden is the source of many of her stories and the produce that she sells in her neighbourhood. She hosts kids gardening videos and her latest book, Gardening with Emma, helps kids and adults find the fun in growing.


Posted on Wednesday, March 18th, 2020

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