Mushrooms From the Edge, Beer in the Heart

Mushrooms From the Edge, Beer in the Heart

Fungus farming in Newfoundland and the microbreweries of Ottawa

This episode is about mushrooms from the edge of Canada and beer from the heart of the nation. First up, Stephanie Lipp co-founder of Gillis Naturals tells us about how she and her partner Leo have launched a mushroom farm in Bonavista Newfoundland. Yes, devoted listeners,  that’s the same place the Newfoundland Salt Company calls home. Next, we learn about how Harrowsmith inspired craft brewing and the dozens of reasons Ottawa is the beer capital of Canada.

Stephanie Lipp was an Ontario girl, born and bred, until she met her partner Leo, a Stephenville, Newfoundland lad. The two visited Leo’s hometown, Stephanie fell in love with the province, and when a chance to start a business in the entrepreneur friendly Bonavista, they jumped at the chance. Now their passion is bearing fruiting bodies, in the form of six different types of mushrooms.

Who knew that back in 1978 Harrowsmith Magazine just might have kicked off the craft brewing industry in Canada? Shawn McQua did and he wrote about it recently in Harrowsmith. And about the micro brewing industry of Ottawa.

End Notes
Want more Harrowsmith? No problem. Visit our website. And, you can read Vanessa’s story on ticks in the Spring issue of Harrowsmith Magazine. It’s on selected newsstands across Canada or you can order subscriptions online at

By the way, the music in the podcast? It’s by good ol’ Canadian singer, composer and friend of the ‘cast,  David Archibald. You can find more of his music at his website,

Wayne MacPhail

Wayne is a digital strategist with extensive experience in traditional, online and communication strategy development. He has assisted clients like Random House (where he helped establish digital outreach programs), the Association of Science and Technology Centers, McMaster Family Medicine,, University of Toronto, Engineering reimagine their communications strategies for an emerging media landscape and new audiences. Wayne brings three decades of rich media content creation, a background in journalism and the ability to creatively understand brand and messaging and create new platforms and opportunities for Moongate’s clients. He has taught and developed online content creation and communications for a variety of colleges and universities in Ontario.

Posted on Friday, September 11th, 2020
Filed under Podcast

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