Growing in the Right Direction

The dynamics behind biodynamic gardening.

I’d wager that you think I am writing about how to dig a hole, plant a seed, water it, give it a bit of fertilizer, watch it grow and then pick the fruit and eat it. Not at all. That is only the very basics of gardening and growing food. Biodynamic gardening is so much more.

Consider your answers to these few simple questions and then read on:

  • Do I want to be eating food that is real, alive and life sustaining, or do I want to be consuming something highly processed, grown with chemicals or in nutrient-depleted soil?
  • Why should the above choice even matter to me?
  • When was the last time I had a really delicious, flavourful meal?

Nutritious, delicious food is vital to our very existence: healthy eating increases longevity and is a fundamental part of quality self-care. We are what we eat, and our food is our medicine. The experience of savouring the flavour of deeply rich-coloured, fragrant food is amazing. We can be physically and spiritually nourished by our choice of food, just as we are physically and spiritually nourished when we are in an exquisite love affair. Why would we not choose to engage in such a heavenly relationship?

Biodynamic (BD) gardeners foster a holistic approach to the garden, aware of the interrelatedness of the soil, plants and environmental elements. In the book Sacred Stewardship, farmer and dowser Charles Hubbard states: “Biodynamic agriculture…looks at encompassing the whole of a farm: the flora and fauna, the cosmic energies, and uses biodynamic preparations that join together working with all of nature, including the spirit work. It strives to create joy, happiness and balance. It is through the biodynamic system that food is grown to be ‘spiritual food.’ Growing food is not an exacting science but instead is meant to be an adventure in working with the earth and nature energies of both the land and the vegetables being planted.”

Biodynamic farming recognizes the intrinsic link between our health and that of our soil and seed. Using BD techniques can help bring health for us and for Mother Earth back into balance very quickly, aiding in the prevention of future food crises. The principles, ancient and timeless, are based upon energy and life force that is unchangeable. Ultimately, biodynamic gardening is a fully self-sustaining system.

Eighty years after Rudolf Steiner’s lectures on holistic gardening practices, the debate about the qualitative aspect of food on current agricultural methods continues. Steiner speaks of more than the organic; he prescribes specific “preparations” for the soil, as well as other distinct methods born from his profound understanding of the material and spiritual worlds. He presents a comprehensive picture of the complex dynamic relationships at work in nature and gives basic indications of the practical measures needed to bring them into full play.

In his book Sacred Agriculture: The Alchemy of Biodynamics, Dennis Klocek writes: “An esoteric point of view…the evolution of the Earth depends on the evolution of human consciousness. They are not separate. The ancient peoples understood that…human consciousness is woven in with the destiny and life of the Earth. As a result they lived in a sacred manner. They understood the relationship between the human and the divine by seeing the Earth as the mother and the sky as the father of humanity.”

In this natural approach to gardening, such things as self-development, self-care and the willingness to observe, learn and adjust within are fundamental to success. Biodynamics brings a spiritual aspect to the meditative art of gardening used increasingly by many people interested in working with nature, rather than trying to dominate it. Through sacred stewardship of the land, we co-create a sustainable relationship with Mother Earth and esoteric energies. In turn, we receive an astounding abundance of food and wellness.

I’d say that’s growing in the right direction, wouldn’t you?

Dowsing is also an important part of biodynamic gardening. You can find information on dowsing in the 2019 issue of Harrowsmith’s Almanac (page 256), or contact the author through Facebook

Considering Biodynamic Gardening?

Here are four reasons to go bio.

  1. Biodynamic produce offers high levels of vitamins and minerals readily bioavailable to you.
  2. Consuming sustainably grown health-giving foods can provide an increased resistance to disease.
  3. Biodynamic produce is a chemical-free, environmentally beneficial gardening option.
  4. You will meet some very cool people at the market. See you there!
Linda Wentzell

Linda Wentzell of New Germany, Nova Scotia, has been studying energy modalities for years. She is fascinated by the potential to change the mundane into a landscape of infinite possibility. Her studies have included the science of dowsing, water dowsing, mediumship and psychic development, and Usui reiki master certification. She is currently exploring soul realignment. She invites you to connect with her at

Posted on Wednesday, December 30th, 2020
Filed under DIY | Food Gardening | Gardening

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