To create the starter:
60 g (1/2 cup) whole wheat flour
60 g (1/4 cup) water
To feed the starter each day (Day 3-7):
60 g (1/2 cup) unbleached all purpose flour or bread flour
60 g (1/4 cup) water
* * * * *
After 5 days, Starter plus 1 Tbsp. Olive oil mixed into formula for one loaf of Sour Dough bread
Dough is ready to be turned out and kneaded on the counter
Lightly floured, ready for about 1 minute of kneading
Bowl is lightly greased with Olive Oil to prevent dough from sticking while proofing
Kneaded dough in bowl, covered with plastic wrap. Proof is over. Now almost doubled in size.
About 40 minutes to double in size.
Dough shaped into free-standing loaf.
Three slashes to help prevent crust separation. Then dust with flour. Place in cold oven.
Turn oven temp. to 350F and let bake for 45 minutes.
Sourdough loaf removed from oven.
Slice while hot out of the oven
Slather with butter and, even better, add homemade raspberry jam.
Peter Grant is a Winnipeg-based Red Seal Chef who spends his retirement time mostly baking (and eating) sourdough bread.
His TV show "From Market to Kitchen" ran three times nightly for four years emanating from The Forks Market, Winnipeg's largest tourist attraction. He was also co-host of the TV show "Great Tastes of Manitoba."
His cookbook "Pot Luck With Peter Grant" is a Canadian Bestseller, selling close to 30,000 copies in Manitoba alone.