Farm Service Force Camp | Harrowsmith Magazine

Let’s Celebrate the Farmerettes

It was women who empowered the agricultural industry in Canada during WWII. Here is their story

It has been more than 80 years since the Farmerettes were organized.

Bonnie Sitter continues to collect and preserve the memories of the Farmerettes who volunteered during the war years and beyond,1941-1952, on market gardens farms and orchards in Southern Ontario. They are an important part of Ontario’s Agricultural History, WW11 History, Womens’ History, and Rural History.

This is the photo that started the research to learn about the Farmerettes, the photo was taken on the Sitter farm. (My in-laws)


By  Bonnie Sitter

I was downsizing when it happened. There comes a time when “stuff” has to be sorted and sometimes discarded. Photographs were on the purging list and I decided to look over albums and loose photos belonging to Conrad, my late husband. He grew up on a farm on the outskirts of Thedford, Ont. where the Sitter family specialized in growing Dutch set onions, celery and peppermint.

From the pile I picked up a black and white photo of three girls in farm work clothes, sitting on the running board of an old car, with one girl holding a hoe. Curious, I looked more closely and could see that one girl wore a wide-brimmed hat, another held her wide-brimmed hat on her knee and the third wore a bandana. I had no idea why this photo would be with the familiar family photos. On the back was written, “Farmerettes, about 1946”.

 I was intrigued. Who were the Farmerettes? My immediate thought was that I should have asked Conrad about them, although he would have been a young child in 1946.

So, I went into research mode and discovered some interesting facts: the Farmerettes were part of a program – an extensive, government-sponsored war effort it turned out, yet one I’d never heard of. The more I researched, the more I enjoyed the stories I was reading. I decided that perhaps this was a story that others might enjoy reading, so I wrote an article and submitted it to The Rural Voice magazine  which is published in Blyth, Ont. It was accepted and published in June 2018.

Two months later, a letter to the editor of The Rural Voice was published and it was a rather exciting moment when I read it. The writer, Shirleyan English, had worked for my in-laws on the Sitter farm in Thedford in 1952. Although not a subscriber to The Rural Voice, Shirleyan had been passed a copy of my article by a friend who, surprisingly, remembered  Shirleyan  mentioning in a conversation that she had been a Farmerette. She wrote in her letter that she became teary-eyed when she read my story, as that summer had been the best summer of her life.

Bonnie was able to retrieve this letter written by Ardyss to Shirleyan in 1995  when she answered Shirleyan’s newspaper request for people to write to her about their Farmerette experiences. In 1945 she was at Cottam Camp.

To be eligible for OFS (Ontario Farm Service), you had to have marks high enough to excuse you from final exams. This was an incentive to study if you really wanted to serve. I had four uncles in the war. As an only child, I was very much exposed to adults and I think this made me sensitive to some of the problems of war, like absent sons on farms.

My parents worked hard for everything we had. At the time, we were “comfortable” which would be regarded as poor now. Outfitting me for the summer was a burden. I was proud of the fact that I supported myself for almost three months without resorting to asking for donations. I turned 16 while at Cottam, cut my first wisdom tooth and tried smoking  – one cigarette and I decided it wasn’t for me, smartest decision I ever made!

We must have travelled by bus to Leamington  which we understood was our destination. There were camps at Kingsville and Cottam for girls and Harrow and Leamington for boys. The fact that we were to be stuck out in the sticks for a whole summer was a shock. Coronna Wendorf was my friend from Clinton and we were used to a lack of excitement so we adjusted easily.

As near as I can remember, there were about 75 girls in the camp. At first, we modestly dressed and undressed under our nighties but the fact that the hot water gave out quickly changed us. After two days we dashed in the door and stripped on the way to the showers. Clothes were picked up on your way back to your bunk. It was fun.

A group of farmers supported the camp. Each day they would put in a request for X number of girls. We had a Labour Secretary who looked after the work arrangements. We weeded strawberries and raspberries and then, as the seasons came up, we picked the fruit at so much a quart. I’m ashamed to admit that I just made my quota in strawberries. To this day I hate picking them.

We carried bag lunches. Each camper made her own lunch from an array of materials provided by the kitchen. Although these lunches were simply parked in the shade until lunch, I don’t recall any sickness from botulism etc.

The camp was run by Eli Thompson, our Labour Secretary, Miss Thompson, the camp mother and the kitchen staff. Poor Miss Thompson used to wander about muttering, “money, money – always going out but never coming in!” We paid board of about $5 a week but her funds were likely barely sufficient.

Her pet remedy for anything was calamine.

We used to sing the old camp song:

“The mother at this camp
They say is mighty fine
But when you’re sick and dying
She feeds you calamine!”

For the last six weeks of camp, a lot of us were put to work de-tasselling corn for Hybrid Corn. A truck picked us up each morning. We didn’t go in for glamour, everyone’s nose was daubed with Noxzema. You went along between two rows of female corn and pulled the tassels on each side. The plants were taller than we were so we faced the sun all day. I remember having a distinctive tan – my bra straps and overall straps forming a pattern and that was through a fleece long-sleeved T-shirt!

We hitchhiked a lot. It was understood that you never travelled alone. Sometimes a truck would take us into Leamington to swim. We hitched to Windsor on occasion. We bowled a bit – to save money we took turns being pin boy.

Swimming in Lake Erie was an experience. Even in 1945 there were dead fish floating about. We had grown up swimming in Lake Huron so the warmer water (in Erie) was nice but I never adjusted to bumping into dead fish.

We had a camp council to keep us in order. There was a curfew and time for lights out. One night Peewee Pagnini was caught talking after hours. Conversation went like this: “Peewee you must pay a 25 cent fine.”

“Cheez guys.”

“30 cents.”

“Oh you bums.”

“40 cents.”

I think it ended up about 50 cents and she was grounded for a night. Somehow she obtained a can of white paint. We had two outhouses with partitions and the next day they sported signs: LIBRARY, NON-FICTION, HISTORY, etc. We loved Peewee.

Our camp was surrounded by farmland and cows roamed the field in front of the johns. They were guarded by an electric fence which sort of guarded us as well. If you came back to camp after hours, the best way in was through the cow pasture so we quite often got “shocked”.

Johnny Farkas drove the Hybrid truck. He and I dated the last few weeks of camp. He came with a friend, Harvey, one night for a group fun night. One of the campers, Hyzell, decided to take Harvey’s car for a joy ride. Pat Hill tried to stop her but ended up with her, likely hoping to talk some sense into her. The first we knew of it was when the police showed up at camp. The girls had smashed up in a ditch.

The next day Hyzell was sitting in the lounge and heard Pat saying something. She started to cry and said, “God it’s good to hear her voice!” There had been hot oil all over them in the accident and she had heard one policeman remark “I think this one’s had it.” He had mistook the oil for blood in the dark.

There were girls from Timmins, Kirkland Lake, Hamilton, Toronto – Malvern Collegiate was well represented – Trenton, Belleville, Harriston, Stratford, Glencoe, Windsor and of course Coronna and I from Clinton.

Mazell Menear from Timmins used to sing “I’m Just a Prisoner of Love.” Sentimental Journey was a hit song. One of the girls from Windsor had a boy friend who worked at a radio station. He made a record which started with: ”Hello you girls at Cottam Camp on this rainy, rainy day”, and included Opus #1 and a medley of songs for our listening pleasure.

On VJ (Victory in Japan) day we convinced Eli that we should have a holiday. I don’t know what the rest of the camp did but June Kettle, Doreen “Muff” Mulford, Coronna and I hitched to Detroit. We had 20 cents, 10 cents to go over and 10 cents to come back plus our bag lunches, which we ate sitting on the curb of the main street in Detroit. Mom was horrified because she expected us to be chaperoned. Can you imagine trying to chaperone that many girls? Toady from Timmins was the only one I know who ran into any trouble hitching. She went alone which was a no-no.

There was a get-together of the four area camps. I can’t remember where it was held but we travelled in the back of a truck, mainly standing.

Each camp had a song and ours was to the tune of Glow Little Glowworm:

We are the girls of the Cottam chorus
And the farmers all adore us (abhor fit too!)
We have just been through a charm school
And we’ll probably hook some darn fool
We are the girls of the Cottam show
Glow little glowworm glow.

Some of the smokers had tried to set a trend by smoking corn cob pipes at our camp.

The Kingsville song was:

You can easily see we’re not from Harrow
Because we don’t wear BVD’s.
You can easily see we’re not from Leamington
‘Cause the Sea Cliff’s not our dive.
You can easily see we’re not from Cottam
‘Cause we don’t smoke corn cob pipes.
We’re just the sweet little girls
Without any curls
We’re the Kingsville Farmerettes
We really mean it
We’re the Kingsville Farmerettes.

I can’t remember how we did our regular washing. Hand laundry I remember but our overalls and stuff must have had to be done by machine. The fact that we had to buy our own shampoo, toothpaste, soap and sanitary supplies made us more responsible than my own girls were at 16. I’m sure it was a beneficial experience that kids from today’s society would likely enjoy also. Hitching rides would be out, of course, so maybe it wouldn’t work as well. It’s a cinch that hard work and rules of conduct never hurt anybody.

Ardyss worked at detassling corn. Shown here is the truck used to travel to and from the corn field.

The following diary has recently been shared with Bonnie Sitter. The Farmerette Pamela, who was born in England, was evacuated with other students and teachers to Toronto early in WW11. Her daughter, Debbie Gill, has been typing up her mother’s diary and the word Farmerette was not one she knew the meaning of so when she googled it she contacted Bonnie.

Pamela Conran-Smith


1943, Saturday 19 June

At long last the OFSF[1] called me up to say I’m to go on Monday with Hilary and Sheila. Thank heavens. Had two letters – one from Pop[2] enclosing a cutting about Mum and Dad’s wedding – which was rather funny and very interesting.

Monday 21 June

I did as much packing as poss. I am quite sure I shan’t get everything in. We tried to get my trunk upstairs but we couldn’t even lift it – so I had to unpack it and everyone helped me carry the stuff upstairs – then we took the trunk itself up. After that I had to pack it all again. By the time I’d finished that it was lunchtime. We went by taxi to Waterford and got there about 5.30 and made a dash for beds. We sleep in the gym of the school house. There are about 48 beds in it, most of them bunks. We are at the far end, under a basketball goal, and have four bottom bunks. On arrival we all had to register, then we ate. The dining room is quite nice, we eat cafeteria style same as BHS[3]. We don’t wash our dishes, just stack and pile them. Then we did as much unpacking as possible. We have nowhere to put anything, just a rail to hang clothes. We had a singsong. Everyone has a vast number of swanky dresses; I only brought 2 and my dirndl skirt.

Tuesday 22 June

Felt positively sick at breakfast at 7.00, it was too early to eat. The farmers arrived at about 7.30, and one wanted 3 people, so off we went. He is Mr McIntyre and very nice. His farm is about 8 miles off so we have a pleasant drive to and from work. We picked strawberries all day. It went quite fast in the morning but it seemed ages till 5.30 when we stop. We ate lunch in a sort of lean-to where they keep the crates – we had made our sandwiches the night before. I got a beautiful sunburn along the back of my hands and the front of my legs. We were late for supper and then went to the village to get some sunburn stuff. Then back for a shower and washed my blouse. Began to write to K when the light was put out.

Wednesday 23 June

We were called for very early and had to dash. We hoed peppers all morning, and my back nearly broke. I hate hoeing. Finally lunch came and we sat on the lawn by the house and rested. We get 26cents an hour, I think. After lunch we were back on the berries. I picked 56 boxes which makes my total 141. I have a ghastly burn on my hands, if it gets any worse it’ll be absolutely awful. We were late for supper again and afterwards went out to swim at the ‘gravel pit’ which is about a mile away. We had late leave, that is until 11.00. We set out to hitch hike and were picked up by a young lad called Vic who was also going swimming. We had a super swim, the water was warm and the place quite large. Then he drove us on out to Simcoe a town 9 miles away. There he bought us peanuts and ice cream and before driving us back. I think he must be about 21. He’s quite nice and we’re going out with him on Sat evening again. My first date! If Mother could see me, I think she’d throw a fit. But we were jolly lucky getting such a nice guy. Gosh my hands hurt.

Thursday 24 June

Last night seems like a dream. We hoed all day today. We only worked 8 hours not 9 and even so I was completely dead. My feet hurt most. I was actually hungry at supper for the first time. I have drunk so much water today it just ain’t funny. We had another swim at the gravel pit in the evening.

Friday 25 June

We picked berries all day. The Indians came and did they pick fast. I made 200 in the afternoon and then slowed up.

Saturday 26 June

Rolled my trousers and sleeves up and got a bit more burned. We hoed peppers all day. After lunch we had a thunderstorm and we worked through most of it, sheltering under the trees at the worst part. We got soaked and when the sun came out it was horribly hot and muggy. Mr McIntyre bought us each an ice cream cone on the way back which was super of him. Most of the others had come in earlier, but we earned another dollar. Vic came round and we went for a swim. Then he showed us a house he and another man are building, before driving us on to see one of the three airports around here. It is quite large but as it was dark we didn’t see much. On the way back he let me steer the car and I was sitting fairly near him. He began to get fresh and started putting his arm around me. I tried to get Sheila to come and try her hand at steering but either she didn’t catch on or she was being mean. When we got back he began to hint that I should lean against him so I beat it. I’m not seeing him again if I can help it.

Tuesday 29 June

Another girl called Mary Ann Shipley came with us today. We picked berries all day. It was jolly cold today, a wind blew all day. After supper we had elections for a Camp Council.

Wednesday 30 June

It was cold; I had on a sweater under my windbreaker, my hands were icy. We rode back standing behind the crates. After supper we went down to the village and bought some crackers and cheese and pickles. It’s fun being able to buy things without feeling guilty about getting them. We didn’t see Vic, thank the good god.

Friday 2 July

Picked berries all day. We were paid 4 cents a box because they were such measly little berries. So far this week I’ve made about $12. We paid our board – $4.50 this time, and I put $18 in a bank account. Had a letter from K and wrote her 17 pages in reply.

Saturday 3 July

Helen has gone home! When we got home after a day of hoeing potatoes and tomatoes, we were met with a message that Helen had to phone DRH as she was going home. We packed her up and saw her off at the station. Hilary and Sheila went into Simcoe and I went into Waterford with Ruth and Jean. I had a letter from DRH saying my berth out west is booked.

Monday 5 July

Another girl called Frankie came to the McIntyres with us.

Wednesday 7 July

Last day of berries, thank heavens! The laundry came back – Mrs Pickering told me that my towel was too big. What does she expect me to do about it?

Thursday 8 July

We hoed melons today. Some of the rows had to be thinned too and it took us ages. It was very hot in the afternoon. Sheila helped to load hay in the afternoon. Had a PC from DRH asking for $2 to pay my dentist’s bill. She’ll have to wait till I get my wages (that sounds pretty snap).

Friday 9 July

We finished the melons in the morning and after lunch we began on the grapes – hoeing of course. It was terribly hot in the afternoon and Hilary hadn’t a hat. I earned $17 this week, so I had to send DRH two bucks.

Saturday 19 July

Finished hoeing grapes, and nearly finished me. I don’t really know how I lasted the morning. Hilary was scuffling melons and was also absolutely dead. Mrs McIntyre brought us all some ice cream and strawberries. It was super. He’s brought us things before – grape juice, doughnuts and lemonade, and the other two Saturdays Mr Mc bought us ice cream cones. We’re jolly lucky in our farmer. After we’d done the grapes we did peppers. We did 7 rows in about 2 hours. I have never been so glad of 5 o’clock in my life.

Monday 12 July

We fertilised the berry patch for about 2 hours in the morning. The fertilizer was Aero Cyamid, a bluish gravel like stuff that was made of nitrogen and lime. We carried buckets of it down the rows and sprinkled it on. It was very heavy and my arm nearly broke but it was quite fun for a change. We rode back to the house on the tractor, and I drove the tractor in.

Tuesday 13 July

Mr McI gave us each a turn at discing. This is working up the earth with a queer machine with a lot of sharp wheels. I drove the tractor and managed OK. Had a letter from Cooks which made everything seem pretty black. Going home is an impossible dream.


We began by picking up potatoes and then for a while we hoed. After lunch we stooked wheat. We worked in pairs, and got very scratched for our pains.

Monday 19 July

Last day at McIntyres. I’m sorry, I liked them. We stooked wheat most of the time except when we shovelled dirt to fill in time when the tractor broke down. We got through about an hour before time and so we weeded melons. After supper Mr McI had to take some potatoes in to Port Dover and so he took us too. We lay along the sacks in the back of the truck all the way. We wandered around for three quarters of an hour while he was dealing with the spuds. On the way home Mr McI bought us a 12-inch hot dog (which was super, the best I’ve ever had) and then an ice cream. The drive home was super. The wind whistled past us; wind always makes me feel strange inside. Saying goodbye was kinda sad. My scratches from the wheat are sore, my legs were covered in blood this afternoon.

Tuesday 20 July

We went with nine others to Mr Farr’s and packed cherries and raspberries. The former were 20 cents a basket and the latter 3.5 cents a pint. They were both good to eat. The raspberries were absolutely back-breaking to pick and my whole left hip began to hurt like anything. We didn’t stop till 6.00. I made £1.99 and the guy wouldn’t give me the extra cent. Ye gods! Had a letter from home dated 6 May.

Wednesday 21 July

Gave Sheila a pair of socks I knitted. Started a pair for Hilary. Went back to Farr’s. We picked sour cherries all morning and then began on the big black sweet ones. Boy, were they good. I ate piles. We just got started when we were shot off to pick two rows of raspberries. To pick the cherries we climbed up into the trees on ladders, which look very unsafe. I climbed into the tree instead. I made £2.13; not so bad. After supper we all went down to the station to find out about trains as I’m going next week. I think I’ll go on Thursday at 11.38 by trolley to Galt and then by train to Toronto. We’re going to ‘celebrate’ my departure on Wednesday evening I think. I’ll be scared stiff going by myself. We wandered all over town eating ice cream, chocolate, peanuts before coming back.

Thursday 22 July

We picked sweet cherries all morning. I climbed into the trees as much as possible but had to do some ladder scaling. They were balanced on practically nothing, half of them. In the evening we had a meeting about a dance to be held on Saturday. The men are airmen from Haparsville[4] I think.

Friday 23 July

Had a letter from the Osbornes[5]. I’m so scared, I just pray it all turns out okay. Some people don’t know how lucky they are, having homes and families to go to within a few miles. We were back at Farr’s picking raspberries. Made £2.69. Did some washing – in cold water – after supper. I wish I could go home, I’m so lonely.

Saturday 24 July

Left my hair in curlers all day. We were picking berries again. We had time for a shower before supper. Afterwards we got dressed and went to buy some grub for the binge we’re having tomorrow night because Sheila’s going. We got some watermelon, cake etc. Then back and got fixed up for the dance. We all went in early and did some practising. I had a rotten time, most of the time I stood around, the only dances I had were Paul Jones.


Read and knitted. Hilary and Sheila gave me a super screw pencil and a packet of face powder. I never expected anything, so sweet of them. After supper we got the binge ready. We had watermelon, cake, cookies, drinks and chocolate bars. In the middle the lights were turned out and we finished by torchlight. Of course we got the giggles and nearly choked. Mrs Pickering came around when we were just finishing and we scurried to bed, still laughing and whispering. Pickles hovered around for a while and then departed to settle another disturbance. It was grand fun.

Monday 26 July

Sheila woke me at 5.30 to say goodbye. So – the first one’s off. I’m next. I don’t want to go. I’m scared of the new life I’m going to. I have a stye in my eye.

Wednesday 28 July

My last day of work. I have collected all my stuff such as money, ration book. We got 4 cents a pint for the berries today, and even so I only made £1.72. Everyone tells me how they envy me leaving and here I am wanting to stay. I have £39 saved up, minus some for train fare back to Toronto. After supper we – about 35 of us – went out to the Gravel Pit in a truck for a swim and a wiener roast. The water was lovely and we had a great time. The roast was a singsong too. We shouted and sang all the way back to the school. Collected my savings from Miss Clarke. My last night. This has been five weeks worth remembering.

Thursday 29 July

Got up into a dress, seemed most queer when everyone else was wearing overalls. Saying goodbye to Hilary was very sad. Did some packing and ironing. Got down to the station in nice time and checked my case through. Gee whiz, did I feel grown up. I took the radio-car as far as Galt and then the train to Toronto, where I collected my case and took a taxi up to the house.

[1] Ontario Farm Service Force

[2] Harry Dunk, Pam’s grandfather

[3] Branksome Hall School (Toronto)

[4] Maybe Hagersville?

[5] The family with whom Pam was to stay in Vancouver.

Pamela Conran-Smith died in 2011. She was only 16 when she did her stint with the Ontario Farm Service, having come to Canada in 1940 as an evacuee from England. Her parents were in India and she didn’t see them again until late 1944. 

Here is a photo of Ardyss at age 89 when I visited her and gave her a copy of her handwritten letters from 1945 & 1946.

ARDYSS  ( INKLEY)  DANIELLS DIED  Dec. 20/20 Here is her obituary

Ontario Farmerettes

Bonnie Sitter, “Farmerettes: Get Out on the Farm” in The Rural Voice. June, 2018.

Media coverage Photos from 1945 at Cottam Farmerette Camp from ARDYSS (INKLEY) DANIELLS collection.

Although the  photo of the girls wrapped in towels after their showers is not clear,  they were obviously having a dandy time.

Note the name Library painted on the outhouse. Ardyss tells about that in her letter written in 1995 when she answered an ad asking for women to send their stories to Shirleyan English.  Shirleyan had planned to write a story about the best summer ever but never did it. All the letters received  in 1995 I announced “we” were going to write a book. When I connected with Shirleyan and found out she had saved the letter I began to read them. Many asked what she wanted to know or to send them the questionnaire or call them but Ardyss replied to the ad and wrote her memories  in great detail for 1945 at Cottam Camp and for 1946 when she was a Farmerette at Moyer’s Farm on Cherry Lane in Vineland. When I began the research to find Farmerettes it was a challenge. Although we had married names  in a number of cases, they had moved all over the countryside. I found Ardyss by searching first in Clinton where she grew up and married and raised her children but I couldn’t find her there in 2017. I had a thought that maybe I was searching for someone who had already died, so I started looking for an obituary. I found her name listed as the mother in law  when I googled her name and obituary. Looking at names in the obituary I found another family member and then searched for that name in the area when the funeral was held and then went to 411. I called and left a message about who I was searching for and leaving my number if they could help in any way. Two weeks later Ardyss called me and totally blew me away by repeating what she had written in her 1995 letters. Talk about an amazing memory!  I made arrangements to connect with her  and did a video of her reading her story. At age 91 her memory remains so sharp. What a treasure to connect with Ardyss.Both her letters are in the book.

I contacted the YWCA when I was doing research and no one would help me by looking into their archives and I had a commitment to do the book in a year so I went ahead without them.
Miriam Carter – Farmerette that lives in Listowel

This book is dedicated to the thousands of Farmerettes who volunteered on farms during the years 1941-52.

It is a collection of memories. Teenage girls from cities, towns, villages and rural areas throughout Ontario signed up to “Lend a Hand” and devote their summers to agricultural labour on market garden farms and orchards in Southern Ontario. Their memories are so vivid that, fifty or more years later, in 1995, they were still able to describe their experiences in great detail. The authors found they were eager to tell it like it was. The program for which they volunteered is detailed in government reports and statistics that lie forgotten in various archives. But those girls, now in their senior years, still remember.
Many described the experience as the best of summers.

TO ORDER: Contact Bonnie Sitter by email   or by phone 519 235 1909. Bonnie accepts bank e-transfers and cheques.Sorry, no credit cards. Mail to Bonnie Sitter Box 353, Exeter, Ontario N0M 1S6. 
The book is  printed in Canada and is hard covered, 168 pages with over 200 black and white photos, labels, badges and more!Price per book is $49.00, and packaging and shipping anywhere in Canada is $20.00 through a secure prepaid Canada Post package. The package will hold up to 3 books for the same price. There are no other taxes.

Phyllis Thompson has also Passed Away
The family did not include her 1941 Farmerette experience in her obituary.

Phyllis and her sister are pictured on the Dedication page  and their story and other pictures are in the book.

It shows how important it was to get the book published quickly when I discovered the Farmerettes.


HELEN SMALL has Passed Away Dec 2020 — Bonnie corresponded with her in September 2020

Helen had given Bonnie permission to use her story which had been printed in the Ottawa Genealogist newsletter Sept. 2015. She had sent me photos of the summers spent as a Farmerette (3 years) and the 4th year as the Labour Secretary at Camp Fenwick.

Here is newsletter and some photos:

Bonnie Sitter

Bonnie Sitter makes her home in Exeter, Ontario. Since retiring from more than 40 years in the travel industry, she has enjoyed new hobbies that include photography and writing. Her love of nature and history are visible in the 3 books she has co-authored, The Beauty and Bounty of Huron County, Agriculture Today A Portrait Of Family Farms In Ontario and Onion Skins and Peach Fuzz Memories of Ontario Farmerettes. Her articles and photos are regularly published in The Rural Voice and often include history with an agricultural flavour.

Posted on Friday, December 18th, 2020

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