- Most native flowers like Echinacea and Rudbeckia are perennials that come back yearly without being invasive or carrying diseases. If planted in the right place, once they are established, their water demands should be met by rainfall alone.

2. Flowers like Joe-Pye weed (Eupatorium purpureum) play an important part in our natural ecosystem providing essential food for birds and insects.

3. A balanced ecosystem with diverse native plant species can offer continuous blooms throughout the season.
Head to harrowsmithmag.com/gardening to learn more about gardening with native plants.
Starting seeds is one of the most gratifying ways to create a garden. From vibrant flowers like sunflowers and zinnias
to native plants like blue vervain and wild lupines to delicious veggies like tomatoes and peppers,
the possibilities are end- less! Get your hands dirty, follow the seed packet instructions, and watch your garden come to life.
Happy planting!

A reminder: Waiting for those seeds you planted to sprout above ground can feel like watching a snail race. But don’t worry, they’re just taking their sweet time to make an entrance. Meanwhile, grab some popcorn, stay patient, and get ready for the green show to begin.