The PEI-based chef’s favourite places, local food & more
Seafood Differently
Seafood Crate offers fresh encounters of the local kind with its food delivery service.
Editor’s Letter – Summer 2021
This issue, we go East.
Toronto, Ontario on May 26, 2020— Summer 2021 Harrowsmith Mag
Coming to you from the East Coast!
Books and stories that are keeping us up at night… and turning pages.
Viva la Dolce Vita
A short history of the Polenta Gang
Why We Love the Laurentians
Charming towns, delectable foods and gorgeous spas—what’s not to love?
Things We Love
In every issue, we showcase products, ideas and places that we know you’ll love.
The Latest
Where do the Bees Go in Winter?
Ever wonder where our fuzzy bee friends go in winter?
Zero-Waste Weekend Free-Ttata
Here is an effective way to use up every bit of the tired veggies, cuttings, and miscellaneous bits that lurk in the crevices of your fridge, and turn them into a hearty breakfast that is gratifying on so many levels.
Life off the Grid
Quebec homesteaders Marie Eisenmann and her family live off the grid in an earthship built 40 years ago. Here’s their story.
Who’s in For Buy Nothing January?
It offers a range of benefits that extend beyond material possessions.
5 Ways to Start Homesteading
Homesteading can seem daunting, especially if you’ve never done it before.