This is a cautionary note to the readers of the 16th version of the Harrowsmith Almanac.
Who Are You Gonna Call?
My father was an actor who did not own a hammer or a screwdriver.
The Farm Detective
As farmers, we are trained from birth to solve mysteries
Trying to Be More Like Dexter
An ode to my big livestock-protection dog
The Disappointment Phase of Technology
My two-cylinder John Deere tractors were made in 1952 and 1953
Retirement Advice for the Self-Employed Landowner
True Confessions from the Ninth Concession
Keeping the Mind Free of Reptiles
Storm of the Century
True Confessions From the Ninth Concession
The Latest
New Year, New Choices
As you know, small hinges swing big doors, so even little changes to your daily routine can make a big difference when it comes to the environment.
What Do I Do With…
Spinach, Lemon Rinds, Mango Peels & Old Grains
Identify Animal Tracks
Wherever you find yourself in your nearby nature, you should expect to encounter wild animals, after all, it’s their home that you are venturing into.
Home for the Holidays
For Jody Arsenault and her family,
decorating their Steinbach, Manitoba home for Christmas is a tradition of love
Veggies for Days
How to prepare and use vegetables for days!