The Farmer's Daughter Bakes, Kelsey Siemens
Kelsey Siemens
HELLO, I'M KELSEY! AND I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE HERE. I grew up on a beautiful farm in the idyllic Fraser Valley in BC, Canada, and work there alongside my parents.Apples, plums, pears, pumpkins, squash, potatoes, corn, garlic, and more.I come from a long line of bakers and farmers, and think that there is nothing as satisfying as harvesting your own produce. It's been hugely influential in my life and how I view food, and I love using fresh, local produce when I can. From kneading bread, to braiding pie dough, baking is therapy for me...and has given my scientific brain an outlet for creativity. Baking is a science after all.Food is my love stay a while, and let me love you.I have a BSc. from UBC in Geographical Biogeosciences (say that 5x fast), specializing in geomorphology and ecology, and have always had a love for growing things, rocks, meteorites, volcanoes, etc. Now I get to play in the dirt and get paid for that's a win win.Favourite things: salted caramel anything, sour cream doughnuts, pumpkins, popcorn, cats, stormy nights, Scotland, fairytales, and foggy Fall mornings.

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