A Nose-to-Tail Tale
Ken Dam
Ken Dam lives with his wife Claire and their daughter in rural Hamilton, Ontario, on a small-scale permaculture farm still in its infancy. Together they explore developing skills that nourish their relationship to the land, to food, to their community, and to one another.
The Latest
Where do the Bees Go in Winter?
Ever wonder where our fuzzy bee friends go in winter?
Zero-Waste Weekend Free-Ttata
This is an effective way to use up every bit of the tired veggies, cuttings, and miscellaneous bits that lurk in the crevices of your fridge,
From the Wildfire Into the Soup Pot
How do you make soup from compost and a stone?
Life off the Grid
Quebec homesteaders Marie Eisenmann and her family live off the grid in an earthship built 40 years ago. Here’s their story.
Who’s in For Buy Nothing January?
In a world that often emphasizes consumption and materialism, the Buy Nothing movement offers an alternative way of living that focuses on sharing, community building, and reducing waste.