Signe Langford | Contributor | Harrowsmith Magazine
Signe Langford
From Hudson, Quebec, now living in Port Hope, Ontario, Signe is a restaurant chef-turned-writer who tells award-winning stories and creates delicious recipes for LCBO’s Food & Drink, Manna Pro Hearty Homestead, The Harvest Commission, and Today’s Parent; she published her first book – Happy Hens & Fresh Eggs; Keeping Chickens in the Kitchen Garden with 100 Recipes – in
Blueberry  Grunt

Blueberry Grunt

This yummy dessert is perfect for campfire cooking or on the BBQ in your backyard

Kombucha Lemonade

Kombucha Lemonade

A deliciously tart, thirst-quenching, and cleansing drink for any time of the year

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