Suzanne Crocker
Suzanne Crocker is a retired family doctor turned filmmaker and director. Her feature documentary All The Time In The World ( was screened in 25 countries around the world and winner of 22 awards. David Suzuki touted it as “A magnificent film.” You can follow Suzanne's ambitious journey to establish food security north of 60 here:
Putting Food Security to the Test in Canada’s North

Putting Food Security to the Test in Canada’s North

A family’s year-long challenge to live off the land where the Arctic Circle is closer than any major city – 3 skeptical teenagers, 1 reluctant husbandno salt, no caffeine, no sugar and -40 temperatures

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Getting Started in Birding

Getting Started in Birding

Every month, founder of Sara Frances Designs & resident birding expert, Scott Holland, shares his insights on how we can help our native songbirds survive & thrive.

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